Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Pear and Two Apricots

I have a good reason for  not posting in a while.  I've been in Mexico City where I attended a big fat Mexican wedding.  It was beautiful! And big!  I bailed pretty early by Mexican standards, but still it was great to be there.  The hotel we stayed in was designed by Leggoretto which means it is very colorful and modern.  So this is a little still life I did in the Carol Marine workshop last month.  Can I just say, I ate a lot of fruit of the tropical variety in Mexico City, not to mention Tequila. Ah chi wa wa!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

My goal now is to live vicariously through your blog postings. They sound so much more fun than being in an office all day!

Glad ya'll had a great time in Mexico!