Thursday, August 13, 2009

All Together Now

I hope I can keep up all the funness here. If anyone knows of an amateur synchronized swim group, let me know. I might have to start my own. Doing things together is always more powerful than alone. With that in mind, I'd like to ask everyone who reads this to pray for my niece who has just learned that cancer has returned for the third time. She is such a beautiful young woman, so all together now.....!


Adrienne said...

I think this one definitely still has some funness in in. I like the "flick" of their hands- very cool.

PS - I know of a synchronized swimming group... they specialize in the Little Mermaid's song, "Look at this stuff". Very exclusive group....but I think I could get them to model for you.

Carolyn Rekerdres said...

They probably have some test you have to take that only a pre-selected group can pass. I know the type.