Monday, July 13, 2009

A Very Good Day

The picture that I took of my painting didn't turn out and I left it in the Art Barn so I decided to post a picture of the my setup on location. Today we went up the mountain to a very pretty meadow but I decided that I wanted to paint the trees near my car so I wouldn't have to lug all my stuff so far (save energy for the important stuff).  I spent about an hour and a half doing preliminary drawings and then mixing paint before I actually started painting.  Today the big battle was with flies.  Many flies.  But I persisted and at the end of the day, I'm pleased with my painting.  We are going to paint the sunset tonight, so I'm going to take a rest now.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Why don't you have on your bug fan belt clip? Create a bug-free painting-zen zone!! PS - I liked the picture of your setting. It helps to know what setting you are painting in...even though the choice of location was solely driven by laligagginess.